9 Ways to Ease Migraine Pain

9 Ways to Ease Migraine Pain

Headaches and migraines are no joke. They are not only extremely painful, but are disruptive to your focus, tolerance levels, and every day routines. When a headache crosses the line in to a migraine, the disruption can become even more pronounced. Migraines typically occur on one side of the head and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and extreme sensitivity to external stimuli. If you find yourself suffering from frequent migraines and are seeking relief, here are some things to try.


Hot/Cold Compresses

Hot compresses can be helpful for reducing tension in your neck and shoulder muscles, relaxing them to increase the blood flow to your brain and relieving some of your pain. However, it is best to use a cold compress on your temples because cold reduces inflammation.


Essential Oils

Lavender and peppermint essential oils can offer instant relief from migraine pain. Rubbing some essential oil on your temples, back of your neck, or under your nose calms your body and aides in circulation, reducing the pain you are experiencing. You can also purchase an oil diffuser to release the essential oils into the air of your room, creating a more relaxing environment.  



We often hold a great deal of tension in our bodies without realizing it, especially around the shoulders and neck. Meditation is a great way to help muscles in tense areas relax. Meditation is not a taxing exercise and can be done while lying down. Here is a quick guide to easy meditation techniques that can be done anywhere at any time.



Sleep deprivation is known to trigger migraines. If you have been losing sleep or pulling all-nighters in the recent past, your migraine is your body’s way of telling you to stop and get rest. Listen. Carve out time to get the rest you need and give your body time to heal.



The herb feverfew helps prevent migraines and butterbur reduces inflammatory chemicals that can cause them in the first place. B complex vitamins help form neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, the “feel good” chemical, which may be lacking in people who suffer from migraines often. Adding a B complex vitamin to your health routine could allow you to reap the benefits of higher serotonin and less head pain.


Over-the-Counter Meds

If herbal remedies aren’t helping you, opt for some over-the-counter pain relievers. Excedrin Migraine is very effective and made specifically for those suffering from migraines.


Avoid Harsh Stimuli

Headaches are caused by a trigger, and for many people this is some type of outward stimuli. Fluorescent lights, grating noises, and computer screens can all be triggers for migraines. In our sedentary, technological age, we often spend very large amounts of time in environments that are unnatural for our bodies. If at all possible, try to reduce your exposure to stimuli you think may be triggering your headaches.



Trigger points can develop in our bodies when nerves come together and create a painful cluster of tension in a particular spot. It is common for these nerve clusters to form in the shoulders and neck, often causing migraines. Stretching and pressure helps to break the clusters up and reduce pain. Try stretching chin to chest, then head back, then to either side.


Food Allergies

Migraines are a common symptom of some food allergies, including intolerance for gluten, peanut butter, and chocolate. If you’ve noticed a pattern of head pain emerging after eating certain foods, consider cutting that food out of your diet and seeing if it decreases how often your migraines occur.

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